Student debtor stories submitted by the 99%

If Congress does not act, interest rates on student loans will rise from 3.4% to 6.8% on July 1 for an estimated 7.4 million U.S. undergraduates who have federal loans. LIKE this if you want to see rates kept at 3.4%, and SHARE it if you believe our states and federal government need to prioritize making education more affordable!More translations at www.ourtime.org


If Congress does not act, interest rates on student loans will rise from 3.4% to 6.8% on July 1 for an estimated 7.4 million U.S. undergraduates who have federal loans. LIKE this if you want to see rates kept at 3.4%, and SHARE it if you believe our states and federal government need to prioritize making education more affordable!

More translations at www.ourtime.org

Source ourtimeorg

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  6. urheartsdesireee reblogged this from citypink and added:
    Ugh imma be one of them :(
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    these affect me too!! :(
  13. shadyoaks reblogged this from occupystudentdebt and added:
    if this happens we all just need to stop making payments completely. if we all do it…
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