Student debtor stories submitted by the 99%

100 Tumblr Followers in 2 days! …And who knows how many non-Tumblr followers!

Thank you all for supporting this project! Reading through all of the submissions is heartbreaking, and I appreciate the fact that you’re standing by us.

Together, we’re busting the myths that student debtors in over their heads are lazy/entitled/whining/etc.

We’re educating the public about how predatory student lenders have lobbied Congress to make it incredibly difficult for students to pay down their debts and get on their feet financially.

We’re illustrating the difference between federal and private loans, and showing how Obama’s “reforms” simply don’t help those who have already defaulted, or who have loans through Sallie Mae or the big banks.

We’re showing how interest rates as high as those of credit cards are dragging students down without any hope of ever fully repaying their loans, even when they’ve been making steady on-time payments in full.

It’s all very troubling, but finally — our voices are being heard. The truth is being heard.

Please help promote Occupy Student Debt, and don’t forget to stop by your local Occupy event on November 12th at 1 pm for the Generation Debt: Day of Action and Awareness!

If you haven’t already, you also can sign Robert Applebaum’s petition calling for total student loan forgiveness! Lastly, keep an eye on your TV listings for Default: The Student Loan Documentary, airing this month on PBS!


  1. occupystudentdebt posted this