Student debtor stories submitted by the 99%

Buried in Debt

I will be lucky to be buried all in one piece. I have attended an online university from my bachelor’s to my doctorate degree, to be completed this year. I came into this education with about 15,000 in student loans from previous education. Since then I have hit the government cap of 139,500 dollars borrowed. While I hope my education is worth it, I am finding that the job market does not agree. It seems I am overqualified for most positions in my field or I lack the operational experience to get where I should be. So between Salli Mae and Citibank, I will owe the government for the rest of my life. I can already predict that will not be able to make the minimum payments for this debt. My husband is disabled and I am suffering from chronic migraines making it difficult to find a job opportunity that will pay as much as needed to live and pay off the debt. I have contemplated defaulting and paying off the debt in time spent in jail, at least I wouldn’t have to worry about basic necessities. Alas, reality tells me that I will have to buckle down and try. I want to not be caught in a payment plan that then puts my house at risk. At this point I don’t care about the credit impact as it will be shot as soon as my grace period is over and I can’t make the total of the first payment. If it were possible to stay in school for the rest of my life in order to keep the loan repayment at bay - I would jump at the opportunity. Meanwhile, the debt will take an overwhelming burden to even make a small impact before I retire, if I get to do so before I am 80. At this point all I can do is hope that the disaster predicted for Dec. 21st of 2012 will result in a complete technological collapse of all financial information that will wipe the debt clean…otherwise pray for the rapture or the aliens, which ever happens first.


  1. Liberty Allison submitted this to occupystudentdebt