Student debtor stories submitted by the 99%


The original principal of my Student Loan: $7,500.00 ( I took three separate loans of $2,500.00 in the mid 80’s.

When the Ford Foundation consolidated my loans in 2001, the balance had gone to $18,159.07. Now the balance is $29,288.08. Yep, $21,000.00 in interest.

When I took my loans, I told the Financial Aid Officer that Id probably never be able to repay this. His reply? “Your education is more important.”

I am a professional actor. I’ve never earned more than about $5,000.00/yr at it. After being largely unemployed over the last 10 yrs (one makes sacrifices to be an artist) I now work in a Restaurant, 15 hrs/ wk @ $8.50 / hr. My name is Andrew Hickman, I am 50 yrs old. I am living what Malcolm X referred to as ” The American Nightmare.”


  1. Andrew C. Hickman submitted this to occupystudentdebt