Student debtor stories submitted by the 99%

The campaign is gaining strength as millions of student loan borrowers  could be seeing the interest rates on their loans rise significantly  unless Congress extends a rate reduction passed in 2007 and set to  expire this July. While the current interest rate, based on the 2007  reduction, is 3.4 percent, the rate could double to 6.8 percent, adding  more fuel to the fire of protests against student loans.
As of Friday afternoon, nearly 70,000 people had signed the petition.
               -Jimmy Kilpatrick, Editor and Chief of Education News

The campaign is gaining strength as millions of student loan borrowers could be seeing the interest rates on their loans rise significantly unless Congress extends a rate reduction passed in 2007 and set to expire this July. While the current interest rate, based on the 2007 reduction, is 3.4 percent, the rate could double to 6.8 percent, adding more fuel to the fire of protests against student loans.

As of Friday afternoon, nearly 70,000 people had signed the petition.


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    I dream of Freedom from student loans.
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