Student debtor stories submitted by the 99%

Never Ending Debt

At a very young age my parents, teachers, and guidance counselors have ingrained in my head that going to college was the “next step”after high school and what was expected of me.

Now here I am, 1 year out of school, with $120,000 worth of debt in a job with a mediocre salary. After half of each monthly paycheck goes directly toward paying loans I have the other to live off of.

The debt situation among students is a vicious cycle of people who are taught that to get a decent job you must go to school, but then come out to pay it off for 20 + years.

It is a frightening thought to think how long I will have to work JUST to get out of debt…Not to mention save some money, buy a house, or start a family.


  1. nicole submitted this to occupystudentdebt