Student debtor stories submitted by the 99%

And we have hit 60 schools showing the documentary just today!!!  Thank you United States Students Association, Student Labor Action Project, Jobs With Justice, Young Democratic Socialists, and all of the Occupations for partnering with us and showing DEFAULT: The Student Loan Documentary! The student debt crisis is here and it is real!  We’re all suffering in so many ways just so the very few at the top can benefit. 
How much do YOU owe on YOUR future???

And we have hit 60 schools showing the documentary just today!!! Thank you United States Students Association, Student Labor Action Project, Jobs With Justice, Young Democratic Socialists, and all of the Occupations for partnering with us and showing DEFAULT: The Student Loan Documentary! The student debt crisis is here and it is real! We’re all suffering in so many ways just so the very few at the top can benefit.

How much do YOU owe on YOUR future???


  1. assembled-myself reblogged this from occupystudentdebt and added:
    over $116,000 in my own debt. ..and then grad school, sigh.
  2. mischievouslittleshit reblogged this from occupystudentdebt and added:
    My school needs to show this.
  3. occupystudentdebt posted this