Student debtor stories submitted by the 99%

Recently, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx raised eyebrows when she expressed her lack of sympathy for those who are currently drowning in student debt. Foxx, 68, makes the assertion that she was able to attend college and she “never borrowed a dime” in her seven years it took her to finish her undergraduate degree.
How is her college experience even remotely relevant to students of today?  It’s not. In fact, she is just another example of a cancerous bureaucrat that is infecting Congress and a great example of why so many Americans today no longer trust our government.  Instead of fighting for her constituents, she seems to be waging a war against them. She also fails to acknowledge that when she was graduating from college in 1968, according to the University of Minnesota, students only needed to work a minimum wage job just over six hours a week to afford college tuition.  Foxx, a former college professor and community college president, also seems to forget that since 1978, college tuition has skyrocketed by over 900%, outpacing inflation by 650 points.  
So why might Foxx be waging war on education? Look no further than her cozy relationship with Sallie Mae and the thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Sallie Mae, Nelnet and the fact that 76% of the time she votes in favor of her campaign donors.

Recently, Congresswoman Virginia Foxx raised eyebrows when she expressed her lack of sympathy for those who are currently drowning in student debt. Foxx, 68, makes the assertion that she was able to attend college and she “never borrowed a dime” in her seven years it took her to finish her undergraduate degree.

How is her college experience even remotely relevant to students of today? It’s not. In fact, she is just another example of a cancerous bureaucrat that is infecting Congress and a great example of why so many Americans today no longer trust our government. Instead of fighting for her constituents, she seems to be waging a war against them. She also fails to acknowledge that when she was graduating from college in 1968, according to the University of Minnesota, students only needed to work a minimum wage job just over six hours a week to afford college tuition. Foxx, a former college professor and community college president, also seems to forget that since 1978, college tuition has skyrocketed by over 900%, outpacing inflation by 650 points.

So why might Foxx be waging war on education? Look no further than her cozy relationship with Sallie Mae and the thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Sallie Mae, Nelnet and the fact that 76% of the time she votes in favor of her campaign donors.


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    is a bearded old bitch. Back...they were still using Eleven Commandments stone...
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