I am writing from a parent’s perspective. Our son who graduated with the highest honors from college in 2008 has struggled to find a full time job. He worked for the Census and then that was cut. Then he finally found two part time jobs( after searching for over a year), which add up to working more hours than if he had a full time job. But because these jobs are part time the pay is lower and no benefits. Our son is proud and because of this he is embarrassed to acknowledge that he is unable to get ahead in his debt and not being able to save for the future. He is just making his payments and there is little left to pay for essentials in life ( food, clothes ect..). We can help a little but we also have tightened our belts and cut back drastically. Just knowing how much he is struggling is so painful to watch and we can’t fix. We have talked to numerous “experts” on this subject and all we hear is “sorry, we can’t help you”. We can not consolidate his loans, we cannot take out a loan at a lower rate. Everything is “SORRY WE CAN’T HELP YOU”.
Until Congress pays 25% into their health insurance, take a cut in pay and make insider trading an equal playing field ( ie. make it either legal for everyone or ILLEGAL for all members of congress). Something has to change. Young people the future of our world and are not being supported. Is this the message we want to give young people - that the political system is corrupt and the only way to get ahead is by being crooked?
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