Student debtor stories submitted by the 99%

Research Scientist Can’t Pay Off $50,000, Screws it, Moves to Europe

After Highschool, I was determined to college and climb my way up into the middle class. Unfortunately, I was basically disowened by my parents when I told them I didn’t want to be Mormon or go on a mission, so I was left alone to try and pay for school. I worked 30-40 hours a week, even though that wasn’t allowed at the University. If you work more than 19h they’re required to pay for health insurance and so on, but if you find 3 jobs and different places at the Uni, they never catch on. So, like I said, I didn’t have health insurance for 12 years (ever since Clinton ended it for me in the 90s) and since minimum wage at that time was $5.25/h I managed to rake in more than $50,000 of student loans just staying alive, and mind you, I lived very poor during that time, and even stayed in-state at the University of Utah. But I worked hard and eventually got my PhD. Now, happily, I even have a job in my field as a research scientist, but only making $40,000 a year (hardly middle class salary). If I were to pay my student loans I would have to live like a PhD student for the next 10 years, and the whole reason I went to the University was to get into the middle class, and even without making payments on my student loans I haven’t achieved that. How could I ever hope to buy a house or have a family? How can it be that a hard working successful scientist hasn’t earned that right? Instead our beloved Romney makes $20,000,000/year without working and pays next to no tax on it. So, screw it, I moved to Europe. Now I could finally afford to get my wisdom teeth removed (only 10€ here, love European health care!). Now I’ve been in default for maybe two years, so the loan amount is probably well over $60,000, so I guess I can forget ever coming back. Good bye US of A!!! Hello socialist Europe!


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